Rummage Sale!

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Shop in person with us! Lots of GREAT deals!


Maundy Thursday

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Both in person and online!


Good Friday Worship

Trinty United 1250 McCraney St E, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Join us in person or online!


Easter Sunday Worship

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Join us in person or online!


Honouring Ukraine!

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Join us in honouring and supporting Ukraine.

Featuring Music Director, Svetlana Kotliarenko and other talented Musical Guests.

Proceeds to fund relief efforts in Ukraine through The United Church of Canada.

For donations above the ticketed price, tax receipts will be issued.


St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Join in celebrating the 190th of St. John's United Church.


Breakfast At Dawn – We’re Back!

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Breakfast provided Please feel free to come along. Rev. Sheila is leading the first discussion back. Your favourite Hymns/Bible readings and how they may have impacted your life 7:30am - Jean Henderson Lounge


Breakfast @ Dawn

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Create Your Own Indoor Fairy Garden

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a creative filled afternoon! Create your very own Indoor Fairy Garden.  


Soup Lunch!

St. Johns United Church 262 Randall St, Oakville, Ontario, Canada